Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a volume of the plasma fraction of autologous blood having a platelet concentration higher than baseline. The platelets are formed in bone marrow and are rich in growth factors, which are biological mediators in the tissue repair process.
The first report of PRP in the scientific literature was in 1987. By 2003, platelet-rich plasma was being used for cartilage problems. Currently, we use PRP to “jump start” the healing process in disorders of joints, tendons, and muscles. In fact, the International Olympic Committee 2010 consensus statement indicates PRP was shown to be clinically safe and shows potential benefit
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be extracted from your bone marrow, adipose tissue, amniotic or placental tissue. These cells will assimilate into the tissue type that they come in contact with, ultimately creating new viable tissue. Both PRP and stem cells accelerate the innate healing process. This area of medicine is emerging as an interesting, integral and promising alternative for tissue repair and ultimate healing.
Stem cells can be harvested from yourself or purchased (amniotic, placental or umbilical cord stem cells). Please note, the FDA has not approved any stem cell-based products for use, other than cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood-forming stem cells) for specific indications.
What to expect:
The process involves collecting blood from the patient, spinning it down in a specific centrifuge to obtain the platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected back into a joint, a muscular defect or an unhealthy tendon. This procedure can be done in the office and without sedation. The procedural recommendations are relatively straightforward. Anti-inflammatory medications are restricted for 2-3 months, and physical activities are slowly advanced over subsequent weeks as health and mobility are firmly restored.
- An in-office procedure, without sedation
- Autologous blood drawn in the office
- Blood processing done on site
- Processed blood is injected into the injured area with ultrasound guidance
- Anti-inflammatory medications are restricted for 2-3 months post injection
- Modified exercise programs are advised